Sunday, November 28, 2004

Our King

"Are you the king of the Jews?" asked Pilate.
"Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied.
Mark 15:2

Americans are entranced with monarchies—kings, queens, princes, princesses, dukes, duchesses. We love our country and its founding origins but we are still watchers of royalty. Blood lines have always been traced and given as descriptions of who the person is to the outside world. Our Lord was a direct descendent of the Father. How can any title compare to that? No title given to Jesus could reflect his true character except for the simplest of words: Son. Jesus did not want any of the power and circumstance associated with the title of King. His purpose was to show the people the love of God and be the obedient Son. He was not here for the glory; he was a simple man who so loved his people that he gave his life for us. The robes, the finery, the title were of no importance. Why do we place such an importance on our robes, finery, and titles? If the true Son—the perfect man—cared nothing for these things so why do we? Growing up I thought about the titles I hoped to one day have: Ms., Mrs., and maybe Dr. I now see that the only titles I should care about are daughter, sister, mother, aunt, wife, and friend. Our true relationships should grow daily as we work for them and not toward titles that give us nothing.

Prayer: Jesus, you are the greatest of Sons. You dedicated your short time on this earth to being the perfect Son. You honored your Father in all you did. Please help me honor you and your Father. Please help me with my relationships and my walk. In your name I pray. Amen.


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